Sunday, October 29, 2006
Advice of the day: STFU
Turns out she was sexually abused and actually was fucked by her family. FUCK! Don't I feel great...
Next I might go punch a cripple. I have no morals now :(
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Where for art thou *nix MySpace?
'I have to ask, is your nick name based on the great range of operating systems that is vastly superior to windows?'
And i got:
'huh? lol'
Must be a windows user :(
My Childhood TV heroes.
Coolest TV characters of my childhood
I was thinking about the good ol days where I only had to worry about… well nothing at all. Anyways here is a list of TV characters that made my childhood.
Sonic (not really a TV character even though he had a show. But shit does he rule!)
This Guy owned. He owned before people started using 'owned' as a word. He was made to make fun of Fat Italian Plumbers (WTF is with that?) who did nothing but plod.plod.plod around the screen. Where most games you walked through, Sonic would blast right through in such a way you knew he would be screaming ‘UP YOURS SNAIL BITCHES’ Yeah Sonic. Just what Sega needed, just what the world needed. Remember boys and girls the old nemesis of Sonic would of never moved to 16bit if it weren’t for Sega. We would still be playing NES versions of Lord of the Rings.
Diesel (off Thomas the tank engine)
From Day one I was a Thomas the tank engine nut. I remember my folks saying ‘All Ringo Starr! Now that is a famous person’ Yeah he was the guy who told the stories.
I didn’t mind Thomas, and Percy and Edward were pretty cool. But my all time favourite was Diesel. I remember freaking my mum out when I told him he was my favourite.
Diesel was such a crafty, stirring sleaze ball he was great.
Bumblebee (off transformers)
No reason. He just looked funny.
Zippy was a class act. A few years ago when mp3 Ringtones were cool, I went to this site and used these. Hint: ‘Three Fat Sausages’ + first person to own Sony Ericcson P900 = Woman on tap. Honest, I have proof.
Bugs Bunny
Nuff said
Speedy Gonzales
Nuff said
Leonardo (Off teenage mutant ninja turtles)
Leo was more in your face than Donatello. Which only just barely made him cool. I used to be a Donatello fan mainly because he knew heaps of cool geeky shit and used a Bo. But I remember changing when a friend said he was a wimp because he hardly fights. /sigh
Oscar the Grouch
The first animated chick that I saw on TV and wished she was real.
In blonde too.
The car FUCKING CHANGED COLOUR! It went from red to grey. In red it was a viper with the top down. But when grey (and with a roof) it became the meanest, bulletproof law enforcer there is. KITT would have some serious competition if it were not for some simple flaw: Why the fuck did the Viper have to change into anything to become cool in the first place? I mean would it just be better off to be in ‘ima kikcka your arse’ mode all the time? Oh well, I absolutely loved this show when I was young and this car was the ultimate coolness.
When I was young I used to watch Baywatch and no, not for the chicks. I actually watched it for the bloody story! I really got into it. For some reason I could watch Baywatch but my mum wouldn’t let me watch Briscoe County Jr. Who I thought was a total tool anyway except for his kick arse horse.
All I remember was sledge saying “Trust me, I know what I’m doing” before I world go off and stuff it up only to succeed anyway. That my friend is how a real man does things.
I had a kick arse pencil case at primary school. It was yellow and had Mr T on the bottom with his look that he always does. Very cool.
The old bat man used to have me in fits every morning. I would sit there wondering if Batman could escape the trap that his arch enemy of the week had laid out for him. Even though he always made it out, I always worried if he would. PS This guy would’ve made a wicked James Bond. BAM!!
X-Men was a great cartoon. And for some reason I liked gambit with his Bo and slippery card tricks.
I was absolutely addicted to the samurai pizza cats. For a good year this was the show I associated with even bothering to come home after school.
Well I can think of heaps of other shows but time is not something I have. So what are your favourite characters?
Monday, October 23, 2006
I am moving to wordpress
The crap that you will more likely want to read will be on worpress.