Monday, September 27, 2004

Things In games that Get me pissed

Well I had bit of a shoddy weekend and now I feel venting some steam. So here it goes:

Things That Peeve me off.

- Cut-scenes, the only thing worse than a long drawn out cut-scene is an unskippable one. If I wanted a movie, I would of gone and bought one (or played D or Myst). Not only that why the hell can’t you pause movies???? i remember needing to take a leak during MGS2, only to find that holding it wasn't such a good idea as the cut-scene dragged on and on and on......

-X,O Yes or No? This is REAL annoying. I wish developers could come up with a standard for menu navigation. Although I can always push triangle for help, or is it the select button......

-Repetitive voices. You know the ones, where you hear those stupid one liners that do nothing but get up your wick. DS: LOA is a prime example. After playing through Dungeon Siege. Playing Legends of Arana Expansion had some welcomed improvements. Too bad the Phrases weren’t one of them. WHY OH WHY is a smart arse comment when I order the character to move, but not attack? It is sooo lame hearing some mage blurt 'with honour' when all he is doing is moving down a path. The one that really tops it for me is that dumb giant to say 'Do you think that is wise' when I tell him to move. Of course I think it is wise. I JUST BLOODY TOLD YOU TO GO THERE!!

- Which bring me to games that claim to be RPGs. Where all these are is find the object, move from point A-B, find another object..... Have a battle, win some money, go to a shop...... Oh congratulations you levelled up!! Now you can go from piont B-C WOOOO. Wait a sec this is almost every PC 'RPG' out there. No wonder I stick to consoles.

-The "X-Treme" attitude of some games. Take Your X-TREME marketing and shove it.

- DOOM 3. Using the latest in rendering technology, shaders and Graphics engines. Doom 3 is a great bunch of dark. No really, no wonder my 9800 pro has such a hard time with this game. Observe the following screenshot:


It takes a lot to display black. Well according to ID any way. Yes there is a duct tape mod but the damage has already been done. I can't stand this game.

- Progressive scan and 16:9 please developers!! It only takes about 20 lines of code and you get the satisfaction of not being a lazy tard.

- L_O_A_D_I_N_G. Just in case I forgot, console manufactures kindly remind me what system I just turned on by displaying a 10 second animation of their logo. Then the publisher reminds you who published the, then the development team, then the production company. So nice of them of them all to jog my memory every time I start up a game.

- Please wait.. Loading. Well no sh!t?? How about something a little more interesting?

- Please wait.. Saving. I guess not <_<

- Tony hawk 5,6,7,8,9; Final Fantasy 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20; Gran Tourismo 5,6,7,8,9; EA*insert sport here* 2006,2007,2008 well you get the idea.

-Bad Music and sound. I really can’t stand the bland punk/rap crap they put out on EA games. And lame engine sounds? WTF is with that? Here's a tip Car Game Gods: take a micro phone, stick it near the car and record the sound it makes. It is quite surprising that cars don't make sounds similar to a drowning cat. Lame voice acting also really gets to me. But bah I have had enough moaning meh No I haven’t:

-5-10. Not a real peeve but a mystery. 90% of all games reviewed get a rating over 5, 50% or whatever, implying that most games are above average. Well I'm no math whiz but if nearly all games are above average doesn't that mean that the average no longer stands at its current value? Therefore an actual 'average' game would be about 7 or 70% wouldn't it? I don’t know.

- Phantom console. Buzz off, I have a PC

- GTA san whatever, after whoring the majority of voters in gaming awards last year. I have no respect for GTA. This over hyped, average gameplay, and lame arse story of-a-game needs to die already

- Oh yeah that reminds of people moaning about Sony and Microsoft destroying the industry, introducing the 'mainstream' gamer or 'mainstream idiot'. The only things worse than these idiotic sheep are the people who constantly whine about them. Going on about how the play station destroyed the gaming industry and killed the hardcore gamer and oh bring back the old-school-return to 2D blah blah. Well I am a hardcore gamer, and I'm still around. Newsflash hotshots: When things go mainstream, there is more of stuff, including bad games, good games, magazines and yes, idiots. Get over it. Just play the damn game, there a more of them nowadays then there ever was and a lot of them a pretty damn good.

- 'This game was way to short. I finished it in less than 30 hours' here is another newsflash hotshot: You need to get out more. 30 hours is usually enough leisure time for a full time, working family orientated individual. Usually only people without lives moan about this. I have no life, I play too many games. And I still can’t be Fucked playing 100hrs+ Games. Go figure.

-Online gaming. Oh I need the 1.1 patch to join server A? Ok. Well that was fun......... Hmmm Oh I need patch 1.6 to play on server B? Ok........ What’s that? I can't play on server A anymore because they all have 1.1 patch and I have the 1.6?........ *2 weeks later* Ohhhhhhh A fix. hmmmm 128 megs, That's OK Ill just go play something else.

So yer those are some of my rants. I feel better now.

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