Thursday, June 17, 2004

A really cool idea.

Well on My travels through the web I came across The idea of it that you make a list of DVD's you wish to rent and then a set of three are sent to you. Watch these for as long as you please and when you return them, the next three come. The bueat part is that it only cost's $35.00per month no matter how many DVD's you actually order. More incentive for me to get a DVD writer and CloneDVD.
Anyway's here's my list of movies that I would give a shot.

Cabin Fever (My sis ain't seen it yet so I'm gona spoil her)
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (THE BEST book and the film ain't bad either. READ: It Rocks)
Day Of The Triffids (Real Funny)
Chopper (As above)
Identity (Sis ain't seen this one either)
French Connection, The (If you don't know about this then your are a dumass)
Ali G, Aiii (4 teh Sis again)
American Beauty (One of the best films of all time)
Sneakers (Not that realistic, but funny hackerish kinda movie)
Gigli (Next to they came from outa space, this is the best 'so bad it's good films of all time. I want it but there is not a shit shoe in hell that I'm going to fork out for it. So this will be the first movie that will be copied)
Citizen Kane [Black & White](Same as French connection)
Days of Heaven (Haven't seen it. Heard it is good. What the hell)
Go (How the fuck did this get in here?)
Great Dictator [B&W] (This has got to be the best comedy of all time, well it is until I can remember what my favourite comedy is... Oh yeah it's hitchhikers guide to the galaxy)
Angela's Ashes (This is so moving, I actually had this distantly remote idea of being sad and upset. I'm getting this for the Sis so I can watch her boil her eyed out for my entertainment. And Yes I know)

So um yeah I will keep you posted on how this site turn's out.

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