Friday, October 08, 2004


Frontpage sucks. I knew there was a reason I never installed it. The Sooner my macromedia package arrives the better.

Well I was playing EVE Online for about two days. It sux REAL bad. At first I found it quite engaging, trying to find out everything and how it works.But all there really is to do is Mine, Mine, Sell, Upgrade, Mine more..... and then a little more.... Mine Sell Join a corporation/clan/tribe/whatever only So you can Mine, Sell, and Upgrade as one big family. You are probably guessing WTF you mine eh? Asteroids. Yep thats right asteroids.

ATM I have been playing final Fantasy 7. Mainly for two reasons. One is because I bought about 5 PSONES (real Cheap) and the other is because I reevaluating my opinion on a turn based system. I have mostly shied away from it in the belief that IT IS FUCKING!! SLOW!! But recently I have come to prefer it it allows for a more concise and controllable battle system. Hmmm

Oh Yeah another Turn Based game; shadow hearts covenant totally owns. Go and Buy It.

Fuck What A geek.

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