Friday, October 01, 2004

Played through Medievil Lords some more

Well work sucks and so therefore playing games is the only practical thing to do with my time.

After a little more testing, Medieval Lord has a few faults. It is good but not great, the combat is lacking and a bit too automated for my taste I was hoping for a balance between the styles of Age of Empires and SimCity. The combat is somewhat lacking, having one sprite represent 10 soldiers and then leaving it down to a scripted battle which leads to a luck/numbers match. Some areas are lacking too, morale of your combat fighters is only important when they are not being fed for example. There seems to be no effect on your village unless becoming succumb to a battle. Enemy civilizations do diddly squat but for some reason the outlaws seem to do more. The military and fighting side of things is very limited.

The City mechanics are on the other hand AWESOME. The diversity of food, serenity, religion and building an economy has a great balance. Technology naturally improves over time and allows you to build more advanced buildings, and thus increase your population. The atmosphere of watching your villagers work and grow is pretty neat.

The control system is clean and easy to move around, the first person view is a nice addition allowing you to see the Villagers go through their daily activities. Which is just as well because there seems to be some nice eye candy to induce.

So if the military aspect is not that important I say go give it a shot. If you lied SimCity and other Older style build em' ups from yester year then you may love this. As it is though Medieval lords is pretty 1997 and not so much a 2004 AAA title. I wouldn’t mind renting it but unless you are a die hard fan of the Genre I would give it a miss.

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